Sunday, March 28, 2010


I am still waiting to hear back from the nursing department to see if I got moved up to Fall. I should not wait because it might take months before they know. However, there are a lot of people who are starting classes in the Summer 2010 (who were actually accepted in the Fall) and I am hoping that some students will know before the Summer classes start if they are ready for nursing.

My friend who moved out to Lansing from Detroit emailed me, interested in applying to Madonna Univeristy for its nursing program. That excites me, I love knowing more and more students in the program because it makes it more of a breeze (for lack of better words) to get through the nursing/pre-nursing. She would also be interested in moving in with my study partner and I!

Currently I have 3 assignments to do before midnight, yes, on a Sunday, and of course, blackboard is down again. Blackboard seems to fail me a lot. For my therapuetic nutrition class we have an exam every week, and for at least 4 of the exams blackboard shut down in the middle of them! And these exams are timed, cannot go back and review answers, cannot save exam and finish later. PAIN. I need to finish this exam withing the next 4 hours. Blackboard better get its act together!

Nothing interesting this post, I just feel better using my time writing about nursing, if I can't get my pre-nursing homework finished.


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