Friday, March 19, 2010

Nurses Rule

Yes, that is my title for this post, "Nurses Rule". Nurses are disrespected all the time. Don't piss off the nurses, we can easily make your life hell :)

I was discussing with my boyfriend, who works as a transporter at the Children's Hospital of Detroit how difficult it is now to get any kind of job in a hospital. I cannot even be a phone receptionist without 9 months of training. Nursing Assistant needs a 3 month (8 hours a day, 3 days a week, cost $200) certification. Everything else has mandatory prior experience of at least 2 years. I remember a year ago to become a nursing assistant it was a nursing certification or one year in nursing/pre-nursing program. Two years ago it was on the job training for 2 weeks.

I picked a bad time to try and find a job in a hospital, lucky for Best Buy.
Is it like this everywhere or just the Detroit/Detroit Metro area? I even tried an hour drive outside of the city.

I want to get started. I want some patients! That is all. And I will be happy. Yesterday a few boys were playing basketball in my court and one got hit with the ball and knocked on my door with a bloody nose. He just wanted a napkin. Oh no. I gave him full attention, inspecting "does this hurt, how about here?" ice, rag, pinched and leveled. He was so annoyed, he just wanted to get back on my court haha.

I cannot help it! I am dedicated.


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