Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting Started Day 4

Today was my first day in Therapeutic Nutrition. The class is only 2 credits and it takes up only half of a semester.

At the beginning of class the professor asked "How many of you are going into journalism"...silence "How many of you are going into criminal justice?" ....murmurs "How many of you are Nutrition majors?"...louder murmurs

"Okay, How many of you are going into nursing?" Every single student in the classroom raised their hand. Competition. I think I like that. Madonna is one of the greatest nursing school in the state of Michigan, what else should I have expected. The professor was shocked, she must be new. Checked it out, this is her first semester at Madonna University. She was nice, too nice. She will learn I suppose, I give her until Winter of next year to loose her "niceness".

Other news, I find out today at work if I am part of the top selling appliances in the nation (not likely) if I am in the top 10% then I win a good chunk of change that I can apply to my tuition! I will update later tonight.

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