Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nurse Advisor

I finally met with my nursing advisor yesterday. We talked about starting nursing in the winter. The new program only allows nurses to take 2 NUR classes in the first semester, making the nursing program 2 and a half years. Because of this, I would not be full time that winter semester. I must be full time to get financial aid and to stay on health insurance (although who knows with this new bill). She suggested I just take the fall semester off of school and work so I can pay out of my pocket for the winter semester.

Issue with that is that my job will not give me full time hours. My advisor then suggested a job in a hospital environment, I told her that is what I have been trying to do. She nodded and handed me a piece of paper. It had a website on it. She said to apply here, it is a rehabilitation center and they do not require prior experience, it is on the job training, they just require proof of my degree profession which is already confirmed enrollment in the nursing program.

I have never thought of working at a rehab center but I think it could be interesting. I don't know much about it at all, so I think it will be a good experience for me going into nursing. Has anyone ever worked in a rehabilitated environment? What is it like? Any advice?

My aunt called me today to congratulate me into the nursing program. She said "I hope you are going into anesthetic nursing! They make more money than a lot of doctors do!" My aunt is an accountant and it astonishes me on how many people know about the salary of nurse anesthetists! I told her its not about the money its about the blood and guts, she went silent, stuttered and congratulated me again. When will people understand that It Is Not About The Money. At least not for me. I didn't even know how much nurse anesthetists got paid until the past summer. I was suprised but forgot about it, and never think of it until someone like my aunt brings it up. They expect me to talk serious when they mention the salary, instead, I laugh.


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