Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting Started Pt. 2

"Mom, Dad. I have news....I got accepted into the nursing program for Winter of next year"


"Congratulations! But what do you mean next year?"

So far, every person I have told this to hesitated and instead of a first congratulations I get "Next year?" or "What does that mean?"
And so, I am writing because I know there are so many other pre-nursing students who applied for nursing, who may have outstanding grades, who have worked just as hard or even harder than I have and yet you are still put on the waiting list.
My two older cousins have been applying for nursing for several years now and have been put on a two year waiting list finally, for a program. They are 25 and 27 years old.
Someone I studied with applied 4 times, and after the 4th time her advisor "advised" her to don't bother applying again, and she then suggested to change her career path.

The already high demand for nurses is growing quickly, and yet, in most schools, less then 100 students a year are accepted into the nursing program to receive a BSN. And who is responsible for solving this problem? The educators? The hospitals? The government? Does any one know who is trying to create better and larger programs for nursing students?


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