Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Health Care Bill 2010

It is official, President Barack Obama has signed the Health Care Reform Bill.

I haven't thought about the health care reform at all honestly, I was aware of it and I knew about it but never really thought on my own opinion. Later in the day, a coworker approached me and said "so are you going to change your major yet?" I was baffled, I had no idea why he was asking me such a question. So I had him explain.

"Now with the dumb health care bill your not going to make any money"
I was considering at this point to set him on fire...instead, this is a round-a-bout of what my reply was (mostly yelling):
"Because of this new health care reform more people will be provided with the care that they need to survive. I will be receiving so many more patients now than every before. This bill is for people like me, who cannot afford their asthmatic medications every month because of how advanced it is, people like me who nearly die taking a jog because there is no emergency inhaler to help me. This bill is for my neighbor, whose husband just died of a brain tumor because health insurance would not cover the bill and his surgery, she can finally get health insurance for her daughters. This bill is for the students who cannot afford to be on a full time credit schedule so the insurance companies reject them, they can now have health insurance no matter their credits. There are so many people in our nation who were desperate for this 'dumb health care bill' to get signed. My career choice never had anything to do with how much money I make, its about all the lives I can save, and now thanks to this health care reform I can save so many more lives and I get to see less people die because they simply cannot cover the medical costs. So just because the rest of the nation isn't as perfect as you, you should think twice about your words and put your ignorant ass in someone elses shoes and I promise you, you will eat your words"

I am one of the people who are thankful for this health care bill, not just because more people will be able to get help, but because I am one of those people. I have been waiting on back surgery for over five years now. Every single day for 24 hours a day for five years I have felt nothing but pain in my back due to an athletic injury in high school. Soon, I will finally be able to get this surgery and live a back-pain-free life. Many are not pleased about this bill because they feel it is against their freedom rights. What about the right to live? Does that count? Or does it only count for the healthy?

Because of this coworker, my opinion is strongly for the health care reform bill. I do not see enough strong points as to why it should not have been signed.

Thanks for your time and I apologize if I offended anyone.


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