Thursday, March 18, 2010

I had a great St. Patricks Day last night. For a few hours I didn't think about nursing at all and it was nice. Going to class at 9am hungover, not so nice. I shouldn't have gone I was so badly hungry and dehydrated and where is my wallet? No water then. I nearly had an anxiety attack. Oh well, still worth it!

Yesterday before I left for the night, I found out my friend that I grew up with and studied with currently for nursing, got into the program without making the wait list. I am very proud of her. Yet, I am very confused. I worked a lot harder than her, studying for tests weeks in advance, while she crammed everything the night before or even just a few hours before the test. No, she is not the kind of person who does not need to study. My grades were much better than her, as was my TEAS test results, which she also had to retake. I did not retake any classes, while she had to retake two. I feel like I deserved to get in for Fall more than her and that irritates me, though I do feel guilty about it. I know no one actually reads my blog, at least not yet, but wouldn't that irritate you?

With that said, I emailed my Advisor to discuss this with her and what my chances are that I will get moved up. I am also going to discuss what to do for an entire semester while I wait. I finished all of my pre-reqs, which my former advisor told me to do because I had a better chance on getting into the program WRONG.

Tonight is Grey's Anatomy night. I get jealous at the kind of surgeries they get to do. I wanted to be a nurse for a while, but when I saw this show I realized I wanted to be in the OR. I know that sounds stupid and I am sure that it doesn't really work how it does in the show but STILL isn't it thrilling! I confirmed my decision to be in the OR when in my anatomy class I dissected a brain, a heart, and skinned and dissected a cat. I was amazed!...and the only one in the class who was willing to use a scalpel!


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