Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting Started Day 3

I have been discussing nursing school with my friend, and former study buddy about what the nursing program is like. She has been in it for only a few months now and she said overall that it is hard work and it takes up a lot of her time. With that, she said we need to move out of or family's house. We are both currently commuting. We both have very loud and distracting families that we live with.

I got home from a horrible day at work from Best Buy and mentioned my mom how my friend Liz and I would like to move out by January 2011. Then I got that look, the one where know something is wrong, not the death look but the "I found a problem" look. She sat me down and told me that I have no money for the nursing program, let alone to move out. I let her explain, she tells me that I am maxed out on my loans, and financial aid will only give me money if I go to school full time, but not even half of what a full time tuition costs. I asked what are my options, and all my options are is to apply for scholarships and to save all my money from my part time job. What I make in one year at Best Buy will only cover half of my tuition, and I already lost 2 months of savings. I have car payments and gas money and food money to consider. Nursing credits cost $100 more per credit than any other major in my school.

The nursing program is already turning out to be stressful and I haven't even started!
Any one know of good scholarships to apply for?! HELP!

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