Sunday, March 14, 2010

Getting Started

Today I received a letter from Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan stating whether or not I am accepted into their nursing program. Before I open it, I would like to discuss how I got here. I started off going away to school at Central Michigan University. I transfered my sophomore year to pursue a degree in nursing. I am only an average student, someone who works their ass off in order to get a 3.3 GPA. I have worked so hard since I started in pre-nursing. I chose Madonna because though they do not have a high acceptance rate for students applying into their program, they are one of the best programs in the state, and I truly feel like I deserve the best with the hard work I have been doing. I spent many many nights with new study friends, going over anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology (most programs don't allow this class until upper division nursing) and other biology classes, getting through it with a lot of chocolate and a case of Monster energy drinks (until of course, we learned in anatomy what exactly they do to our body). I have failed tests and still managed to get my grade up. Since I am a transfer, I am already behind, most of the people I studied with applied for winter of this year, and they all got accepted. That was stressful for me, yet I am glad I decided to take my time, because I also got to study abroad in London, England, and none of my nursing friends can say they got the chance to do that.

After opening my letter I got to the end of the first paragraph where it states "I regret to inform you that you have been put on the waiting list for the Fall semester of 2010, however, you have confirmed enrollment for the Winter semester of 2011. If any spaces become available, we will notify you via email and phone and you will be moved to the Fall semester. Congratulations, and we look forward......" blah blah blah.

I should be excited, 70% of applicants did not get accepted at all. But I have this gut feeling of disappointment. I could have done better, I know I could have. I am only second best. And in the medical field that is not enough.

I have a lot more to say about the nursing program and how I feel about my so-called acceptance letter, but right now, I have to put on a fake smile and tell my family the news. So until tomorrow,


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