Sunday, April 4, 2010


I just applied for a job at a nursing home where I get to do tasks with the elderly. I would get to lead activities and read during reading hour.

I am hoping to at least get a call back.

I love, love old people. Even the grumpy ones are cute! I do not however, want to go into the profession, I don't think I could handle it. I could definitely handle volunteer work in a nursing home though!

I have not turned in my application at the rehab center. I just dont know about that one, I do not feel qualified and I do not seem comfortable with the "company". Oh well.

I have a busy week ahead of me. Three birthdays, a book report, a research paper, an exam, study for a different exam, scholarship forms, criminal background check, meeting with nursing advisor, doctors appointment, nutrition homework, history homework, organic chemistry homework, someone in this weeks schedule I have to plan a party and bake a cake and find time to take my friend out shopping for a birthday outfit. Oh the year of the 21st birthdays.

Oh but I had a wonderful Easter, I was 2nd place in the annual Chisholm family egg toss, I got egg splattered all over my brand new $50 shirt and $90 jeans, and ended up in a tank (still specks of yoke) and soaking wet jeans. But hey, I won a lottery ticket and it just so happened to be a $1 winner.

Happy Easter every one.


Sunday, March 28, 2010


I am still waiting to hear back from the nursing department to see if I got moved up to Fall. I should not wait because it might take months before they know. However, there are a lot of people who are starting classes in the Summer 2010 (who were actually accepted in the Fall) and I am hoping that some students will know before the Summer classes start if they are ready for nursing.

My friend who moved out to Lansing from Detroit emailed me, interested in applying to Madonna Univeristy for its nursing program. That excites me, I love knowing more and more students in the program because it makes it more of a breeze (for lack of better words) to get through the nursing/pre-nursing. She would also be interested in moving in with my study partner and I!

Currently I have 3 assignments to do before midnight, yes, on a Sunday, and of course, blackboard is down again. Blackboard seems to fail me a lot. For my therapuetic nutrition class we have an exam every week, and for at least 4 of the exams blackboard shut down in the middle of them! And these exams are timed, cannot go back and review answers, cannot save exam and finish later. PAIN. I need to finish this exam withing the next 4 hours. Blackboard better get its act together!

Nothing interesting this post, I just feel better using my time writing about nursing, if I can't get my pre-nursing homework finished.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Health Care Bill 2010

It is official, President Barack Obama has signed the Health Care Reform Bill.

I haven't thought about the health care reform at all honestly, I was aware of it and I knew about it but never really thought on my own opinion. Later in the day, a coworker approached me and said "so are you going to change your major yet?" I was baffled, I had no idea why he was asking me such a question. So I had him explain.

"Now with the dumb health care bill your not going to make any money"
I was considering at this point to set him on fire...instead, this is a round-a-bout of what my reply was (mostly yelling):
"Because of this new health care reform more people will be provided with the care that they need to survive. I will be receiving so many more patients now than every before. This bill is for people like me, who cannot afford their asthmatic medications every month because of how advanced it is, people like me who nearly die taking a jog because there is no emergency inhaler to help me. This bill is for my neighbor, whose husband just died of a brain tumor because health insurance would not cover the bill and his surgery, she can finally get health insurance for her daughters. This bill is for the students who cannot afford to be on a full time credit schedule so the insurance companies reject them, they can now have health insurance no matter their credits. There are so many people in our nation who were desperate for this 'dumb health care bill' to get signed. My career choice never had anything to do with how much money I make, its about all the lives I can save, and now thanks to this health care reform I can save so many more lives and I get to see less people die because they simply cannot cover the medical costs. So just because the rest of the nation isn't as perfect as you, you should think twice about your words and put your ignorant ass in someone elses shoes and I promise you, you will eat your words"

I am one of the people who are thankful for this health care bill, not just because more people will be able to get help, but because I am one of those people. I have been waiting on back surgery for over five years now. Every single day for 24 hours a day for five years I have felt nothing but pain in my back due to an athletic injury in high school. Soon, I will finally be able to get this surgery and live a back-pain-free life. Many are not pleased about this bill because they feel it is against their freedom rights. What about the right to live? Does that count? Or does it only count for the healthy?

Because of this coworker, my opinion is strongly for the health care reform bill. I do not see enough strong points as to why it should not have been signed.

Thanks for your time and I apologize if I offended anyone.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nurse Advisor

I finally met with my nursing advisor yesterday. We talked about starting nursing in the winter. The new program only allows nurses to take 2 NUR classes in the first semester, making the nursing program 2 and a half years. Because of this, I would not be full time that winter semester. I must be full time to get financial aid and to stay on health insurance (although who knows with this new bill). She suggested I just take the fall semester off of school and work so I can pay out of my pocket for the winter semester.

Issue with that is that my job will not give me full time hours. My advisor then suggested a job in a hospital environment, I told her that is what I have been trying to do. She nodded and handed me a piece of paper. It had a website on it. She said to apply here, it is a rehabilitation center and they do not require prior experience, it is on the job training, they just require proof of my degree profession which is already confirmed enrollment in the nursing program.

I have never thought of working at a rehab center but I think it could be interesting. I don't know much about it at all, so I think it will be a good experience for me going into nursing. Has anyone ever worked in a rehabilitated environment? What is it like? Any advice?

My aunt called me today to congratulate me into the nursing program. She said "I hope you are going into anesthetic nursing! They make more money than a lot of doctors do!" My aunt is an accountant and it astonishes me on how many people know about the salary of nurse anesthetists! I told her its not about the money its about the blood and guts, she went silent, stuttered and congratulated me again. When will people understand that It Is Not About The Money. At least not for me. I didn't even know how much nurse anesthetists got paid until the past summer. I was suprised but forgot about it, and never think of it until someone like my aunt brings it up. They expect me to talk serious when they mention the salary, instead, I laugh.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Nurses Rule

Yes, that is my title for this post, "Nurses Rule". Nurses are disrespected all the time. Don't piss off the nurses, we can easily make your life hell :)

I was discussing with my boyfriend, who works as a transporter at the Children's Hospital of Detroit how difficult it is now to get any kind of job in a hospital. I cannot even be a phone receptionist without 9 months of training. Nursing Assistant needs a 3 month (8 hours a day, 3 days a week, cost $200) certification. Everything else has mandatory prior experience of at least 2 years. I remember a year ago to become a nursing assistant it was a nursing certification or one year in nursing/pre-nursing program. Two years ago it was on the job training for 2 weeks.

I picked a bad time to try and find a job in a hospital, lucky for Best Buy.
Is it like this everywhere or just the Detroit/Detroit Metro area? I even tried an hour drive outside of the city.

I want to get started. I want some patients! That is all. And I will be happy. Yesterday a few boys were playing basketball in my court and one got hit with the ball and knocked on my door with a bloody nose. He just wanted a napkin. Oh no. I gave him full attention, inspecting "does this hurt, how about here?" ice, rag, pinched and leveled. He was so annoyed, he just wanted to get back on my court haha.

I cannot help it! I am dedicated.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

I had a great St. Patricks Day last night. For a few hours I didn't think about nursing at all and it was nice. Going to class at 9am hungover, not so nice. I shouldn't have gone I was so badly hungry and dehydrated and where is my wallet? No water then. I nearly had an anxiety attack. Oh well, still worth it!

Yesterday before I left for the night, I found out my friend that I grew up with and studied with currently for nursing, got into the program without making the wait list. I am very proud of her. Yet, I am very confused. I worked a lot harder than her, studying for tests weeks in advance, while she crammed everything the night before or even just a few hours before the test. No, she is not the kind of person who does not need to study. My grades were much better than her, as was my TEAS test results, which she also had to retake. I did not retake any classes, while she had to retake two. I feel like I deserved to get in for Fall more than her and that irritates me, though I do feel guilty about it. I know no one actually reads my blog, at least not yet, but wouldn't that irritate you?

With that said, I emailed my Advisor to discuss this with her and what my chances are that I will get moved up. I am also going to discuss what to do for an entire semester while I wait. I finished all of my pre-reqs, which my former advisor told me to do because I had a better chance on getting into the program WRONG.

Tonight is Grey's Anatomy night. I get jealous at the kind of surgeries they get to do. I wanted to be a nurse for a while, but when I saw this show I realized I wanted to be in the OR. I know that sounds stupid and I am sure that it doesn't really work how it does in the show but STILL isn't it thrilling! I confirmed my decision to be in the OR when in my anatomy class I dissected a brain, a heart, and skinned and dissected a cat. I was amazed!...and the only one in the class who was willing to use a scalpel!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Quest for Nursing Scholarships

Today is good ol' Saint Patricks Day. Traditionally, I am too busy to celebrate this holiday. This year, it is six hours of Organic Life Chemistry. I would like to know who the genius was in Madonna's administration that decided to combine to difficult classes into one.

Tough luck for me, I am only a small percent of Irish anyway.

Today for nursing I have been working on applying for scholarships. Now that I have nearly reached the point of desperation for tuition money, I need a total of 5 letters, I had to go all the way back to high school to ask my teacher, who is now a professor at University of Michigan, to write a letter of recommendation for me.

The scholarships that my school offer are only a small amount, I figure since we are a small Catholic school. I am only allowed to apply for 5, so that will give me enough for half of a semester IF I get them all, which I believe if I get any at all it will only be one.

Google is failing me in my quest for decent scholarships.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting Started Day 4 pt 2

I just got home from work, and indeed I am in the top 10% of selling appliances at Best Buy in the nation. I get to put $450 away to save, that will cover just over half of one credit for January, NOT BAD! Free money!

I mentioned to my boyfriend how I would like to move out, because who know, maybe he is ready too and I don't have to worry too much about paying for that as well. Of course that did not go well. Thats fine we probably aren't ready anyway.

I am now assisting someone who is applying for the nursing program. I am helping her with anatomy and physiology, and I forgot how difficult it is! Her first essay question:
You just got shot in the stomach, their is drastic blood loss, explain what is happening inside your body, and any physical state you may be in. Explain everything.
WOAH! That is at least 5 pages right there!
Second essay question:
You are a drop of blood in your right foot, you move through your body and end in your right thumb, describe your journey and everything you see on your way to the right thumb.

I recognized my pre-requisites for nursing are almost identical to my best friend who is going into med school, I wonder if that is why there is such a shortage, if us nurses do all this hard work we mind as well become a doctor!
That is what my study friends and I always thought when we studied for our science classes. Our excuse for not going into pre-med "I dont want to take the MCATS!"
Any one else feel that way? That they work so hard to be a nurse they should just become a doctor? Some nursing practitioners and nurse anesthetists make more than doctors. This requires the nurse to have a masters degree and be highly qualified and skillful. It calls for a lot of work, and yet, it seems to anger some doctors how much some nurses make. Its about quality, experience, and education, and yes, the professions can compare. If I wanted to be a doctor I would have chose that profession, no thought on who makes more money.

Until tomorrow


Getting Started Day 4

Today was my first day in Therapeutic Nutrition. The class is only 2 credits and it takes up only half of a semester.

At the beginning of class the professor asked "How many of you are going into journalism"...silence "How many of you are going into criminal justice?" ....murmurs "How many of you are Nutrition majors?"...louder murmurs

"Okay, How many of you are going into nursing?" Every single student in the classroom raised their hand. Competition. I think I like that. Madonna is one of the greatest nursing school in the state of Michigan, what else should I have expected. The professor was shocked, she must be new. Checked it out, this is her first semester at Madonna University. She was nice, too nice. She will learn I suppose, I give her until Winter of next year to loose her "niceness".

Other news, I find out today at work if I am part of the top selling appliances in the nation (not likely) if I am in the top 10% then I win a good chunk of change that I can apply to my tuition! I will update later tonight.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting Started Day 3

I have been discussing nursing school with my friend, and former study buddy about what the nursing program is like. She has been in it for only a few months now and she said overall that it is hard work and it takes up a lot of her time. With that, she said we need to move out of or family's house. We are both currently commuting. We both have very loud and distracting families that we live with.

I got home from a horrible day at work from Best Buy and mentioned my mom how my friend Liz and I would like to move out by January 2011. Then I got that look, the one where know something is wrong, not the death look but the "I found a problem" look. She sat me down and told me that I have no money for the nursing program, let alone to move out. I let her explain, she tells me that I am maxed out on my loans, and financial aid will only give me money if I go to school full time, but not even half of what a full time tuition costs. I asked what are my options, and all my options are is to apply for scholarships and to save all my money from my part time job. What I make in one year at Best Buy will only cover half of my tuition, and I already lost 2 months of savings. I have car payments and gas money and food money to consider. Nursing credits cost $100 more per credit than any other major in my school.

The nursing program is already turning out to be stressful and I haven't even started!
Any one know of good scholarships to apply for?! HELP!

Getting Started Pt. 2

"Mom, Dad. I have news....I got accepted into the nursing program for Winter of next year"


"Congratulations! But what do you mean next year?"

So far, every person I have told this to hesitated and instead of a first congratulations I get "Next year?" or "What does that mean?"
And so, I am writing because I know there are so many other pre-nursing students who applied for nursing, who may have outstanding grades, who have worked just as hard or even harder than I have and yet you are still put on the waiting list.
My two older cousins have been applying for nursing for several years now and have been put on a two year waiting list finally, for a program. They are 25 and 27 years old.
Someone I studied with applied 4 times, and after the 4th time her advisor "advised" her to don't bother applying again, and she then suggested to change her career path.

The already high demand for nurses is growing quickly, and yet, in most schools, less then 100 students a year are accepted into the nursing program to receive a BSN. And who is responsible for solving this problem? The educators? The hospitals? The government? Does any one know who is trying to create better and larger programs for nursing students?


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Getting Started

Today I received a letter from Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan stating whether or not I am accepted into their nursing program. Before I open it, I would like to discuss how I got here. I started off going away to school at Central Michigan University. I transfered my sophomore year to pursue a degree in nursing. I am only an average student, someone who works their ass off in order to get a 3.3 GPA. I have worked so hard since I started in pre-nursing. I chose Madonna because though they do not have a high acceptance rate for students applying into their program, they are one of the best programs in the state, and I truly feel like I deserve the best with the hard work I have been doing. I spent many many nights with new study friends, going over anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology (most programs don't allow this class until upper division nursing) and other biology classes, getting through it with a lot of chocolate and a case of Monster energy drinks (until of course, we learned in anatomy what exactly they do to our body). I have failed tests and still managed to get my grade up. Since I am a transfer, I am already behind, most of the people I studied with applied for winter of this year, and they all got accepted. That was stressful for me, yet I am glad I decided to take my time, because I also got to study abroad in London, England, and none of my nursing friends can say they got the chance to do that.

After opening my letter I got to the end of the first paragraph where it states "I regret to inform you that you have been put on the waiting list for the Fall semester of 2010, however, you have confirmed enrollment for the Winter semester of 2011. If any spaces become available, we will notify you via email and phone and you will be moved to the Fall semester. Congratulations, and we look forward......" blah blah blah.

I should be excited, 70% of applicants did not get accepted at all. But I have this gut feeling of disappointment. I could have done better, I know I could have. I am only second best. And in the medical field that is not enough.

I have a lot more to say about the nursing program and how I feel about my so-called acceptance letter, but right now, I have to put on a fake smile and tell my family the news. So until tomorrow,
